By Stephen Pavis Marketing plans are important to successful businesses. Your marketing plan will lay down all the important pathways by which your business will market its products and thereby earn. This will serve as both your guide and reminder in creating a successful business. Sticking to Marketing Plans It is always easy to create a marketing plan and forget about it in the future. It is very essential that you device your marketing plan to be as practical and applicable as possible. To do this your marketing plan should be simple and comprehensible. It should outline your marketing goals and the ways by which these goals should be attained. Always remember that a successful operation is an operation that sticks to the plan so be strict when it comes to complying with your formulated plan. However, retain enough flexibility to accommodate improvements. Market Research and Marketing Plans Before formulating your marketing plan, good market research should be done. Research is a very important if the validity and effectiveness of marketing plans are to be assured. Take valuable information and analyze it properly. The main issues that you should research on in formulating your marketing plan are the market, your competitors, your product, and your cost. Understanding the market means seeing your target market,s wants and needs. Once you have this data you would be able to predict your target market,s actions and take advantage of them. Getting data regarding your would be competitors lets you see their strengths and weakness. Your competitors are your best friends (you can learn from them) as well your greatest challengers. Getting to know them will give you sufficient methods in counteracting their actions properly. This will enable you to see clearly the steps you will have to make to gain competitive advantage. Marketing Plans: The Need for Product Knowledge Information on your product will give you the most marketing advantage. Coupled with your knowledge of your target consumers, you can market you product to fit their needs. Marketing plans that aim to create a need for a certain product can also be formulated. Product success also depends on its uniqueness. New ideas catch the consumers interest. Just make sure that you and your product create a good impression. A bad impression from the start will make competing for your public share harder. Product knowledge will also give you an idea regarding the cost of your product. Remember that the cost of your product will dictate your return on investment. So it is important that you know the basics in allocating product cost. Your cost should not be solely focused in earning the highest amount possible. It should also be balanced by factors such as purchasing power of your target market and the demand for your product. The simple rules of economics never fail you in this aspect. Successful marketing plans should be realistic and ideal at the same time. You should put the maximum amount of effort on the factors that you can control. This ensures that the time, effort and money that you invest has a substantial return and is not wasted on superficial matters. At the same time, invest a tiny portion of your resources on uncontrollable factors. Experimentation is the mother of all discoveries. Trying things that have never been tried before lets you take advantage of untapped ideas and methods. New ideas oftentimes become trailblazers for businesses. Written by Steve Pavis
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